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Full "Sturgeon Moon" Intuitively Guided Group Healing with Denise

Sun, Aug 22



Remote Intuitive Reiki Healing guided by Reiki Master Denise on the Powerful Full Moon in August.

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Full "Sturgeon Moon" Intuitively Guided Group Healing with Denise
Full "Sturgeon Moon" Intuitively Guided Group Healing with Denise

Time & Location

Aug 22, 2021, 7:00 PM – 8:20 PM CDT



About the event

Please join us for a private Intuitive Reiki Healing Group guided by Reiki Master Denise Everness. For those of you who have experienced an Intuitive Reiki Session with Denise, this is the same format but in a group setting from the comfort of your own private space. 

Denise will open this channel and speak about all she is being made aware of through her gifts of clairvoyance as we journey into the quantum universe. This total healing journey will last approx 50 mins. We will also be opening up a chat in zoom after for anyone still awake and/or interested to share their own personal experience of our session or for any questions.

This healing circle will be set on a powerful day of The Sturgeon Full Moon - allowing us to amplify our healing session time together. 

🌑What and how does the Sturgeon Full Moon in August help set the table for this session?

Align your spiritual intentions this month with the strong and impressive fish, the freshwater sturgeon. They’ve survived millions of years by adapting and flowing through many different challenges. You are just as energetically powerful and resilient whether you realize it or not.

What big ambitions did you have in the past year that you most desire to see accomplished? Let the August’s Sturgeon Moon encourage you to push through the final hurdles to complete your goals and intentions. Allow yourself to admit if you’ve fallen off track, dust yourself off, re-focus and try again. Getting this clarity is the perfect time as this moon signals begining to harvest these undertakings and manifestations you have planted. Literally or Metaphorically.  🌑

Create clarity for harvesting your sacred creations. Intentions are everything.

I truly love offering this sacred journey to reach all of you safely and effortlessly. The after effects will be you, feeling so much more like you! Lighter, brighter, energized yet peaceful.

If this aligns in your calander and you are called to participate then you are meant to be part of this group.

Ticket price is $33 for each participant. An email will be sent to ticket holders one day before the event with the zoom link, password and all details needed. 

Namaste all you light beings, I look forward to healing with you all!

Denise Everness

Great Tree Healing


  • Intuitive Reiki Group Healing

    This ticket includes a spot for a participant in our Scared Full Moon Group Healing Event guided by Denise Everness, Reiki Master

    Sale ended



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